domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008

ZOMG Zibri Zays Zomething - iPhone Self destruction in 5 seconds?

After a long hiatus, some say due to the lack of ‘borrowed’ source code, or others say due to the frustrations of the so called ‘ungrateful‘ iPhone unlocking community, Zibri is back - er, sort of.
Next generation of ZiPhone is in the works.
It will be as simple as Apple would have done it.
A simple one click program.
A 5 seconds run.
Stay tuned.

Posted by Zibri at 9:16 PM

Suspiciously this news comes right around when the Dev Team have released/announce QuickPWN for the iPhone. The Dev’s have said that this release is Open Source and can be easily ported into a nice GUI by developers. Obviously someone testing QuickPWN, leaked the source to Zibri who may be quickly trying to put something together, but unfortunately or fortunately (:)) the Dev Team beat him to it.

What do you think?

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