sábado, 15 de novembro de 2008

iPhone and 3G handsets unlocked with a PIG

SIM PIG can unlock difficult or expensive to unlock modern 3G handsets such as iPhone, Windows Mobile devices, HTC, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry and many more.

The SIM PIG (www.simpig.co.uk) is inserted with the SIM card into the handsets SIM card slot. The PIG then dynamically bypasses the network lock on the mobile phone. SIM PIG does not affect any of the handsets functionality and all features are maintained, importantly it does not invalidate any warranty on the handset. Once SIM PIG is removed, the handset reverts back to its locked condition.

Using the SIM PIG does not require any technical knowledge and is quick and simple to insert. As the name suggests, SIM PIG SIMply PIGgy backs on to the SIM card when it is inserted to the handset.

Ed Neal, Managing Director of Geodesa limited who distributes SIM PIG explains. "Many handsets are locked to a particular network so only that networks SIM cards can be used in the locked phone. Networks lock their handsets for various reasons and unlocking can allow the user to benefit from better tariffs than their current provider may offer, particularly if travelling to different countries. SIM PIG is the perfect partner to our GeoSIM global SIM Card which avoids roaming charges when making or receiving calls overseas".

Ed goes on to say "Traditional methods of unlocking a mobile phone is specific to that handset. If the user has more than one handset to unlock, then they need to pay to unlock each phone individually, this can be expensive and time consuming particularly with the latest 3G handsets. With one SIM PIG you can unlock any number of handsets."

domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008

ZOMG Zibri Zays Zomething - iPhone Self destruction in 5 seconds?

After a long hiatus, some say due to the lack of ‘borrowed’ source code, or others say due to the frustrations of the so called ‘ungrateful‘ iPhone unlocking community, Zibri is back - er, sort of.
Next generation of ZiPhone is in the works.
It will be as simple as Apple would have done it.
A simple one click program.
A 5 seconds run.
Stay tuned.

Posted by Zibri at 9:16 PM

Suspiciously this news comes right around when the Dev Team have released/announce QuickPWN for the iPhone. The Dev’s have said that this release is Open Source and can be easily ported into a nice GUI by developers. Obviously someone testing QuickPWN, leaked the source to Zibri who may be quickly trying to put something together, but unfortunately or fortunately (:)) the Dev Team beat him to it.

What do you think?